Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Fav Medicine

This is my new cure all...
Available at a Trader Joe's near you - yum!

et tu IKEA?

We had lunch at IKEA today - what a sad & tragic affair it was.
The meatballs are smaller, I can eat them in one bite now. The gravy is brown water, it used to be really creamy & thick. The potatos are mashed, no choice of little round whole potatos anymore. The coffee is thinner, I think they have halved the amount of coffee per measure of water. Breadroll included with lunch? Nope, now it's 39c thank you. There is no more raw sugar, just refined white crap now. Even the napkins are half the size they used to tu IKEA?
Is there anybody not using this recession to cheapen their products?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Californians in the Rain

I have driven in all kinds of weather in all kinds of vehicles in all parts of the world & I have yet to find a more freaked out bunch of drivers when it rains than California drivers.

Get a grip, it's just water!!!